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Our Mission

 We believe Italian scholars and scientists can embrace who they are,

defining the future and changing the world.


The Association of Italian Scholars and Scientists in Israel (AISSI) is a not-for-profit association operating according to the laws of the State of Israel.


The first aim of AISSI is to mediate between the Italian scholarly and scientific community in Israel and the local Italian diplomatic representatives and the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MIUR) and, to develop ties and mutual projects with Italian academics, Italian research organizations, and companies.


The second aim of AISSI is to mediate between the Italian scientific and scholarly community in Israel and the local Israeli academic community. Support is given also to Israeli colleagues interested in working and researching in Italy.


  AISSI is conceived as a support and mentoring network for Italian graduate and post-graduate students in Israeli universities in providing Italian scholars studying and/or working in Israel with a local networking framework. As part of its networking and mediating duties, the AISSI activities include: (i) organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences with Italian scholars in Israel, (ii) informing about fellowships, grants, and possible financial support for joint academic activities, (iii) provide a framework of support to Italian scholar-guests in Israel.


All this is in order to foster the link between the Italian and the Israeli academic communities, improve relations with the respective representative offices, and increase the awareness in Italy and Israel of the work carried out by the AISSI members.

We believe all Italians can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Join AISSI Today!

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